430952-FS2023-0-A-Module 4: Spiritual Care: crises before and after giving birth

Root number 430952
Semester FS2023
Type of course Block Course
Allocation to subject (Continuing education) Spiritual Care
Type of exam not defined
Title A-Module 4: Spiritual Care: crises before and after giving birth
Description a. Schwangerschaft als Krisenerleben
b. Begleitung in der Geburtsverarbeitung
ILIAS-Link (Learning resource for course)
Link to another web site
Lecturers Hebamme MSc Franziska Maurer(Continuing education) Spiritual Care 
Dr. Nancy RahnInstitute of Old Testament Studies 
Dr. Patrick Olivier WyssmannInstitute of Practical Theology 
Lic.phil. Sabine IhleClinic of Paediatric Medicine 
Recognition as optional course possible No
Grading passed/failed
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